The best way to get more direct applicants for your vacancies - for free!


#1 Top tip

If there is a single thing I would suggest to any company looking to get more direct applications for your vacancies, it would be to take control of your LinkedIn jobs tab. In the last few years, LinkedIn has decided to try and take a portion of the job advertising market from Indeed. You can benefit from this without spending a single cent.

This means that LinkedIn want your jobs!

But it also means that if you don’t take control of how your jobs are posted to LinkedIn, they will do it for you and their algorithm will probably mess it up! I will give you a little bit of background to explain: -

LinkedIn Limited Listings

A couple of years ago, LinkedIn decided to become the ‘hub’ for professional jobs. To do this, they looked at the success of Indeed and decided to ‘borrow’ a tactic which Indeed have been using for years - sending out a robot to find jobs and then advertising links to them within the LinkedIn platform. They call this ‘LinkedIn Limited Listings’ and describe it as: -

“Limited Listings are free job postings gathered by LinkedIn from job boards and aggregators across the web, so that our members have a comprehensive job seeking experience. They are visible to candidates actively conducting a job search or viewing a company’s LinkedIn page.”

If you advertise your jobs anywhere on the web, it is very likely that LinkedIn will find them soon and they will be linked by their algorithm to what they think is your company. This is far from perfect, so you may end up with your jobs assigned to a similarly named company, or theirs assigned to you.

For example, there is a recruiter called MPI in the UK. For the first half of 2020, LinkedIn was picking-up their job adverts and the algorithm was assigning them to a company called ‘Mega Pools Inc.’ in Chicago.

Give them what they want!

LinkedIn are desperate to become the professional jobs hub, and are currently throwing money at it to make it work. This means that you can benefit directly by giving them what they want.

The easiest way to do this is through your current recruitment/HR system. Most modern CRMs / ATSs will link directly with LinkedIn - all you need to do is give it your LinkedIn company ID number. You can see the LinkedIn guidance on this here.

What if my recruitment system doesn’t connect with LinkedIn?

If your CRM / ATS doesn’t link directly with LinkedIn, there are some other options which have varying degrees of cost and difficulty: -

  • Job Wrapping using a LinkedIn Recruiter account (paid account)

  • Posting your adverts to a job aggregator that LinkedIn collects jobs from (Jooble, Nuevoo, etc.)

  • Contact LinkedIn and point them towards your careers page

#recruitbetter #linkedin


Looking for a job using Google? You need to know this.


Claim your LinkedIn jobs page, or they will!